Need a Dual Battery System?

Category: Business News | Author: Gerber 4x4 Conversions |  Date posted:  | Reach: 29859   168

Dual Battery systems provide extra power for a wide variety of accessories in off-grid situations while providing the assurance that the vehicle’s main battery is not being drained.

Advancements in technology have made it difficult to choose a dual battery setup. Deciding between lithium or AGM batteries, in-vehicle or solar panel chargers or even where to mount the second battery might seem like a daunting task.

Our expert fitment team recently installed this setup into a Jimny, it comprised of a Victron DC/DC charger, an AC/DC Charger with a Dual Monitor, and a dedicated 220V inlet. The battery box has additional UBS ports, a Hella plug and an additional 12v outlet.  

Contact us today, and our sales team will advise you on the best solution for your needs.

Gerber 4x4 Conversions
+27 11 979 7147
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