L9 Jefferys Bay Outspan February

Category: Club News | Author: Trekkers Outdoor Recreation Club |  Date posted:  | Reach: 214810   1259


By now, we are so used to having a rainy stay in Jeffreys Bay...that this weekend was a surprise to us all! Windy days, but the most beautiful, serene, open-sky, still evenings. And you know, that's when Laager 9 is out in full force anyway!


Firemaster John provided fires that could be seen from the moon and were spot-on time for Robin-o'clock both nights, even when Robin wasn't there to enforce or enjoy this (we missed you uncle Robin). The Campbell's brought wine for all to enjoy on Friday evening as they arrived in a snazzy new vehicle. Friday night was filled with good music, great company and a lovely time was had by all - with some star gazing and bird watching into the night.


We all woke up on Saturday morning with the entire trailer being gone. We found it set up within the washing line area with the flagpole and all. It turns out the prankster was actually a Mr Roberts who was not even at camp that weekend, but he had some willing soldiers who graciously carried out his every wish when midnight struck. Unfortunately, said soldiers had to return the trailer and the flagpole back to its original spot on Saturday morning. 


Later that morning we were all spoiled with FRESHLY BAKED (not frozen) rusks and muffins that Gayle had made in support of the NAGM. A few left to run some errands in town, but most stayed and kuiered from van to van throughout the Saturday.


We had a classy Hobo Party with cocktails for all on Saturday afternoon followed by freshly fried fish and chips from the local fish shop. All were impressed. After an evening stroll on the beach, and with full tummies, we all retired to the fire where we enjoyed some vonkels and Charl's potent shooters.


On Sunday morning the early birds got up before the worms to avoid a few spots of rain that were heading our way. Shanana was held under the Chairman's awning and fines were dished out by the Jakkals who fined her husband in the last round for getting her pregnant. For those who weren't there, a new Laager 9 member will be joining us this September.

Wishing you all happy trekking, until we meet again next time at Pine Lodge in March'24.


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